

Sea Lion Offshore Diving provides dive services for virtually all types of marine and subsea operations. From shallow water operations to complex underwater welding projects requiring saturation dive systems, we have the technology and experience to efficiently complete your every project.
Salvage & Offshore Services
  •   Recovery of sunken objects.
  •   Recovery of ship’s racks, chains, and anchors
  •   Recovery of sunken boats.
  •   Recovery of marine structures.
  •   Recovery of cables etc.
  •   Maintenance of offshore structures.
  •   Repairs of offshore structures.
  •   Underwater services at sea.
  •   Underwater photography & videography.
  •   Marine constructions, pipeline layout.
  •   Marine pipeline repairs and replacement.
  •   Inspection of marine structures etc.
Sea Lion Offshore Diving is well experimented in medium-size maintenance & installation projects

Looking for professional offshore diving team?